Integer Variables Teacher Overview

Integers aren't just numbers! Integers are values written that are stored as numbers. In computer programming, Integers are also Variables. They can be used to store Values and to run Loops. As a super important coding concept, our Integer Variable Teacher Overview video will help you understand precisely how Integers work in coding! Now that you've gotten the hang of it, are you looking for any easy way to explain Integers in coding to kids? Kodable has created coding concept videos that are quick, fun, and relatable. In all seriousness, they're great for teachers too! Kodable is an elementary coding curriculum that teaches kids K-5 to code by play! Students will learn how to think like a programmer in Kindergarten and write JavaScript by 5th grade. But the fun isn't just for the kids! Teachers, we've created computer science resources, coding lesson plans, and more so that you feel confident teaching coding! But what are the benefits of teaching coding in elementary? Don't forget they aren't just learning to code; they're also fostering math and ELA skills! You'll help kids master skills like problem-solving, computational thinking, and collaboration. Sign up for your free Kodable account today and get your students prepared with the 21st-century skills they need to succeed. Make sure you're following us on social media and tag us in your elementary coding photos @Kodable.