Whether they are virtual or real, students love their furry friends! This means that pet-related activities make for great learning experiences for students to be engaged in the learning process.
Follow the steps below to throw a virtual adoption event in your classroom to teach your students how to use conditions, functions, and loops to program a Carebot to take care of their new virtual pet!
Log into Kodable Basics
First things first - let’s make sure you and your students have access to Kodable Basics. If you haven’t used Kodable Basics before you can create your free teacher account here! If you are a current Kodable teacher, then simply have your students log in either online or from an iPad.
Go to the Pets building

After your students log in to Kodable Basics, click on the Pets building in Fuzztopia to begin your adopt-a-thon experience!
Program your Carebot

After opening the Pets building your students will either adopt a brand new furry friend, or they will be able to play and interact with their current pets, depending on how much they have played in the Pets building before.
Either way now your students can program their Carebot using conditionals, loops, and functions to take care of their pets. Whether they are feeding, cleaning, or playing with their pets, their Carebot will show what code it is currently running to help students understand how the instructions they gave the robot are working in real-time!
Print your adoption certificates
Now that the Carebots are programmed and taking care of the pets, it’s time to help celebrate the hard work of your students!
Print out pet adoption certificates for your students to help your students remember that they now have a virtual friend to take care of with the help of their programming skills.
Other Pet resources to try out
Looking for other fun pet-related activities? Try out Pets Bingo with your class! In this activity you can either print or project this pets bingo board to help guide your students through a classroom wide activity. Or you can simply have your students color their own Pets Coloring Sheet to match how their virtual pet looks!
To bring these STEM activities and more into your classroom make sure you create your free Kodable teacher account today!